
As I begin this week I am filled with joy!!! The first week of DTS was absolutely amazing!!!  We really got to know each other and connect to one another!  I have already felt a change in my life!  

Inside Martin Luther King Jr.'s Chruch!
On thursday we learned about intercessory prayer!! This was a great teaching on something that I had really never heard of before, much less put into practice.  It is an incredible concept in which we can call out to God to help others and make huge changes in this world!  This is about us as a group coming together to pray for a cause that God has laid on our heart to change others lives! 
Joanna and I at Centennial Park!

Friday, we took a trip to Downtown Atlanta!!! We visited Martin Luther King Jr.'s hometown and got to see his house, church and burial site.  It was really eye opening and really sickening to read what all went down in his time.  As a huge believer in equality between whites and blacks it really was hard for me to read and see some of the stuff in the museum!  Martin Luther King Jr. is a very inspirational person that I think doesn't get enough recognition.  Yes he has a holiday and yes we heard about him in school but how much of what he did really sinks in.  I really look forward to reading more books about him in the future because he is someone to really look up to!!!  In addition to this amazing experience we also visited the Capital of Georgia, Centennial Park and we went by CNN and Coca Cola!  That night we were invited to a families home where we ate BBQ and played games!

The boy I played ball with!
Saturday, must all of our group went to a block party in a near by town.  It consisted of mostly refugees from all parts of the world!  It was really neat to see so many nationalities all in one area! I walked up to the event and the first person I saw was an African lady carrying her baby on her back! I was immediately taken back to Africa!  It made me miss Africa so very much and I was reminded again why I really wanted to be a missionary and love all different nationalities all over the world!! We all played with kids and talked to different people throughout the couple of hours while we were there.  There was one little boy in particular that I played ball with for probably a good 30 minutes, if not more.  He was very quiet but to see his smile on his face just made my heart smile!!! It is my passion to love the unloved and to spend time with the children that normally get pushed aside when the outgoing energetic kids come along!!! This especially became very real to me at this event and just stirred my heart even more!!! For lunch I ate India food for the second time ever and that evening I made my first trip to the laundromat!!! It was an amazing day filled with lots of adventures!!!

Wow, this is just the beginning!!! If the first week is any insight to what these next 5 months are going to be like it is going to be indescribable!  I am very excited to see what the Lord has in store!!!


  1. Kelci,
    I love hearing about all God is doing in and through you! I can see your sweet smile smiling back at the cute little boy you played with! I'm excited to hear what you're learning and doing next!
    Bless you!!!


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