
Showing posts from May, 2016

Living a Life for God with Anxiety

Many of you know if you read my last blog post, the journey that I am currently on. The magazine and all its excitement and struggles! I love it! Now I can't say I feel this way every day because I will tell you there have been days of this journey where I have been ready to throw in the towel. I see myself getting distracted to the point where I'm not focusing on my family, I see the struggle in my teammates, I wonder if God is really in this as much as we thought....all these struggles and doubts have crept into my mind more than once. However the biggest struggle of all for me is dealing with my anxiety. Now anxiety is a term many people don't take seriously if you've never experienced it full force. However anxiety for me means headaches, stomach aches, muscle soreness and complete and utter exhaustion at the end of everyday but a difficulty sleeping through the night. So how do I deal with this physical reality while living full out for God?  Let me tell you it...

Following God's Call...

Do you ever wonder what it would have really been like to be Jesus' disciples in Acts? All of that persecution as they are walking in the ways of God. Do you ever try to put yourself in their shoes? Being absolutely honest for me, I don't want to. The thought of being physically, mentally and emotionally beat up sounds horrible. But yet how do we still follow in the will of God knowing that this is a very real possibility for our lives? Their is a real devil that doesn't want us living for God. How do we handle that?  Well for me I've seen and experienced bits and pieces of this struggle throughout my life but nothing like what I've experience recently. Some of you may know that my mom and I have decided to start a magazine for tweens in Mid Missouri! This idea, the process, and the people involved are only explainable by God. I can honestly say he orchestrated everything! And we have had our fair share of bumps in the road but up until recently everything has...