The Glory of God!
How wonderful these first few days at YWAM have been!!! Already I feel like each and everyone of us have connected. I have seen and experienced things from God that I didn't even think too much into before. The power and the mercy of God is so fantastic! I have enjoyed the time that I have got to spend with my new friends but I especially have enjoyed all the personal time I have spent with the Lord! One thing that we will all be praying into a lot as we get into the DTS more is where to go for our outreach. This will be a choice between two places overseas where some people will go to one place and others will go to another. We don't know the choices yet but I really looking forward to hearing where the Lord wants me to go! Nothing unfortunately comes without a price however. So, If anyone would be willing to support me, whether through prayer, financially or however, I would be so eager to have people help and join me in the process any way you ...